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Jamie's Class Tech Page

Incorporting technology into the classroom does not always mean using the latest and greatest.  Many times it is using the tools that are already available and using them in a way that engages the students and challenges them to think and truly learn. Here you will find various samples of different ways technology has been incorporated into my classroom.  Many of these samples are from courses completed at MSU while others are ones used in the classroom that incorporate technology in different ways.


Wicked Project Final Video

Online Resource Library

Math is something that, for me, always seemed to be a struggle of really implementing technology into the classroom.  By creating an online resource library, I can share with fellow teachers different online resources that students can use to better their math skills and have fun while doing it.  One of my student's most enjoyable activities was the Jasper Project.  The link is available through the Online Resource Library.


One of the best ways to share about using technology in the classroom is to learn from the experiences others have had.  Through this blog, others have the opportunity to learn about the successes and failures that have gone along with  really implementing technology into the classroom.  As the saying goes, "Why re-invent the wheel?"

Education is changing and technology is changing. Because of this constant change, educators need to find solutions to educational problems that may arise.  The purpose of the Wicked Project was to implement the use of technology to solve an educaitonal problem that I identified.

Inquiry #3 Project

With the changing in technology and communication not all converstations happen the same way.  By conducting two different experiements (one face to face with my partner, another via computer through Skype or Google Hangouts) I was able to see that it is not necessarily the proximity of group work but rather the interaction that takes place.

My PLN shows how integrated technology and social media has become to my life.  After moving cross- country multiple times growing up and all my college friends moving away as well as find out important announcements and news from my district and school via twitter.  My PLN has become a tool to connect and reconnect with people from my past.  Being able to identify the relationship that has now taken shape between my life and social networking.  The MAET program is a prime example of how social media can be used for education.

PLN - Personal Learning Network

Part of being a leader is being able to inspire others to want to achieve their maximum potential.  This was in inspiration and motivation behind the Inspriatational Leadership Poster for CEP 815.  Having to create the poster really challenged my understanding of what makes a leader and what leadership is. 

Inspirational Leadership Poster

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